Manantial by Angela Ales
  • Angela Ales

  • Title:


  • Inventory#: AL000061
  • Size: 60" x 40"
  • Medium:

     Oil on Canvas

  • Price:$14,000
  • A glimpse into the mystical wellspring of life itself. This artwork portrays the origin, the life-giving force that transcends our understanding. It's a representation of the vital energies that shape our ident...
    A glimpse into the mystical wellspring of life itself. This artwork portrays the origin, the life-giving force that transcends our understanding. It's a representation of the vital energies that shape our identities, where the boundaries between the seen and unseen blur into one.
item image
Angela Ales
Oil on Canvas
60" x 40"
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All items remain property of Bowersock Gallery until paid in full.