Terry Rafferty Works

Terry Rafferty


Oil on Panel - wood, linen or aluminum


Non-traditional Still Life, with animals and other iconic and nostalgic items


Contemporary Realism


BA Visual Art, Vermont College 2004

Mentorship with Cindy Procious 2014


A collection of vintage animal figures, literature, current events


Terry Rafferty, born 1954, grew up in Southern California but finding it difficult to stay in one place for too long, she made stops in Europe, the South Pacific, Washington, Montana, and New Mexico. Currently, she splits her time between North Georgia and a trawler along the East Coast. Along the way she obtained a BA in Visual Art. After working on her own and taking workshops with a variety of instructors, she began a mentorship with American Realist artist Cindy Procious, and learned old master techniques which she uses to great effect with contemporary compositions and subjects. Primarily using animal figurines, her award-winning work explores how we share and experience our worlds. There is a narrative in each piece, but one that is just suggestive; the viewer is invited to write his or her own version.