Jeanne McCartin Works

Multiple Clays, Mache, and Acrylic

Sociopolitical, Culture, and Simple Pleasures (under pseudonym Jannie) 

Expressionism, Fantasy, Symbolic

Kathe Kollwitz

Vesper George School of Art, Sanctuary Arts

McCartin is above all a storyteller. Her work encompasses a broad range exploration of human emotion, and (as Jannie) includes simple sweetness rendered in symbolic, narrative sculpture and sculpted theater. McCartin is a multi-discipline artist, sculptor, costume designer, and culture and arts writer, each form influencing the other. Jeanne McCartin created non-wearable, expressive wall masks, then moved on to full figures, until a need to explore stories at greater length led to the 3-D, sculpted paintings she's created over the past few decades. McCartin has exhibited throughout the US, and her work is part of the City of Portsmouth, NH's permanent collection.